| | P- Political Advertising on Google: .To help everyone understand the ads they see online, this report from Google includes information about verified advertisers, spending on ads related to elections.
- Political TV Ad Archive: .Provides a searchable, viewable, and shareable online archive of 2016 political TV ads.
R- Racially Polarized Voting Near Me: .Resource designed to be used by voters, community groups, activists, and lawyers to help fully enfranchise voters of color in local government.
U- U.S. Elections Project: .an information source for the United States electoral system.
- U.S. House Election Results Archive: .From the Office of the Clerk, official vote counts in congressional elections since 1920
V- Voter Turnout Database: .From the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)
- Voting Technology Project Data: .seeks to develop better voting technologies, to improve election administration, and to deepen scientific research in these areas
W- Wesleyan Media Project: .Tracks and analyzes all broadcast advertisements aired by or on behalf of federal and state election candidates in every media market in the country, data access.