A- Adler, E. Scott .Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, see datasets.
- Adolph, Christopher .Univ. of Washington, see replication data.
- Aldrich, Daniel .Northeastern University
- Ansolabehere, Steven .Harvard University, see dataverse.
- Armstrong, Dave .Western University in London, Ontario, replication files on research page.
B- Baccini, Leonardo .
- Bailey, Michael .Georgetown University
- Bang Petersen, Michael .
- Bansak, Kirk .
- Barbera, Pablo .
- Barnes, Lucy .
- Barreto, Matt .UCLA, see data archive.
- Bennett, D. Scott .Penn State, datasets page
- Benoit, Kenneth .LSE, see datasets on publications page.
- Bhandari, Abhit .
- Blackwell, Matthew .
- Blair, Graeme .UCLA
- Blais, André .University of Montreal
- Blattman, Chris .Harris School of Public Policy at the Univ. of Chicago, see datasets on research page.
- Blaydes, Lisa .
- Boehmke, Frederick .Univ. of Iowa, see methods & replication page.
- Bonneau, Chris .University of Pittsburgh, see dataverse page.
- Box-Steffensmeier, Janet .Ohio State University, see dataverse.
- Brancati, Dawn .Columbia University, Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies
- Brandt, Patrick .University of Texas at Dallas, see replication page.
- Briatte, Francois .European School of Political and Social Sciences, see research page.
- Broockman, David .UC-Berkeley
- Brule, Rachel .
- Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce .NYU
- Butler, Daniel .
C- Campbell, Jim .
- Casas, Andreu .
- Cassese, Erin .
- Cheibub, Jose .
- Chen, Jowei .University of Michigan
- Chiozza, Giacomo .American University of Sharjah, see replication data for articles and book chapters.
- Christensen, Darin .
- Christenson, Dino .
- Clark, Tom .Emory Univ., see dataverse.
- Clay, K. Chad .University of Georgia, see research.
- Clifford, Scott .
- Clinton, Josh .Vanderbilt Univ., see data page.
- Coppock, Alexander .
- Cox, Gary .Stanford Univ., see data page.
- Crabtree, Charles .
D- Dancygier, Rafaela .
- Darmofal, David .Univ. of South Carolina
- Dasgupta, Aditya .UC Merced
- Dassonneville, Ruth .
- de Kadt, Daniel .
- Dennis, Chris .California State University, Long Beach, see datasets on research page.
- Desmarais, Bruce .Penn State
- Druckman, James .Northwestern Univ., see replication data on publications page.
E- Edwards, Barry .University of Central Florida, more about me.
- Egan, Patrick .NYU, see datasets on research page.
- Elkink, Johan .School of Politics and International Relations
- Elkins, Zachary .
- Emanuele, Vincenzo .LUISS Guido Carli (Italy)
- Enders, Adam .
- Enns, Peter .Cornell University, see research.
- Epstein, Lee .Washington University in St. Louis, see dataverse.
F- Fair, C. Christine .
- Fariss, Christopher .
- Feierherd, German .
- Fernendez-i-Marin, Xavier .University of Barcelona
- Finseraas, Henning .
- Flores-Macias, Gustavo .
- Foos, Florian .
- Fordham, Benjamin .
- Fording, Richard .Professor of Political Science at the University of Alabama
- Fortna, Page .Columbia University
- Fortunato, David .
- Fouirnaies, Alexander .
- Fowler, Anthony .Harris School at Univ. of Chicago, see research page for replication dataset links.
- Franzese, Robert .Univ. of Michigan, replication files on publications page.
- Fuhrmann, Matthew .
- Furhmann, Matthew .Texas A & M, see datasets page.
G- Gahner Larsen, Erik .Univ. of Kent, see replication data on publications page.
- Gartzke, Erik .Univ. California at San Diego, see datasets
- Gelman, Andrew .Columbia Univ., see dataverse.
- Gelpi, Christopher .Ohio State University, see datasets.
- Gerring, John .
- Gill, Jeff .American University
- Gleditsch, Kristian .University of Essex
- Glynn, Adam .Emory University
- Goemans, Hein .University of Rochester
- Golden, Miriam .UCLA, see dataverse.
- Golder, Matthew .Penn State Univ., see research page.
- Golder, Sona .Penn. State Univ., see research page
G (continued)- Gottlieb, Jessica .
- Green, Donald .
- Green, Elliott .
- Greenhill, Brian .Univ. at Albany, SUNY, see replication data on research page.
- Groseclose, Tim .Formerly at UCLA, see datasets on academic stuff page.
- Grossman, Guy .
- Gulzar, Saad .Stanford
H- Hager, Anselm .
- Hainmueller, Jens .
- Hall, Andrew .Stanford University
- Hall, Matthew .University of Notre Dame, see replication data and large datasets.
- Harden, Jeffrey .University of Notre Dame
- Hassell, Hans .
- Hegre, Havard .Uppsala University, see data
- Hensel, Paul .University of North Texas, great topical guides to IR data, see his data page.
- Hicks, Timothy .
- Hicks, William .
- Hidalgo, Daniel .
- Hilbig, Hanno .
- Holbein, John .
- Holland, Alisha .
- Horowitz, Jeremy .
- Hoyland, Bjorn .Univ. of Oslo
- Huber, Gregory .
- Huth, Paul .University of Maryland, see dataverse.
I- Imai, Kosuke .
- Iversen, Torben .Harvard
- Iyengar, Shanto .
J- James, Oliver .
- Jankin, Slava .University of Essex
- Jensen, Nathan .Professor, University at Texas Austin
- Jiang, Junyan .
- Johnson, Joel .Colorado State University - Pueblo
- Juhl, Sebastian .
K- Kalla, Joshua .
- Kanthak, Kristin .University of Pittsburgh, see replication data page.
- Kastellec, John .Princeton Univ., see dataverse.
- Keele, Luke .University of Pennsylvania, see dataverse page
- Kertzer, Joshua .
- Kim, Sung Eun .
- King, Gary .Harvard University
- Kirkland, Justin .University of Virginia, see dataverse.
- Klarner, Carl .See datasets.
- Knox, Dean .
- Kogan, Vladimir .
- Krain, Matthew .College of Wooster, see research page.
- Kramon, Eric .
- Kriner, Douglas .
- Krupniko, Yanna .
- Kuncic, Aljaz .University of Ljubljana
L- La Porta, Rafael .Tuck Business School (Dartmouth), see datasets on research page.
- Larreguy, Horacio .
- Larson, Jennifer .
- Lauderdale, Benjamin .
- Laver, Michael .NYU Dept of Politics
- Lee, Keith .Georgia College, replication datasets on publication page.
- Lee, Alexander .Rochester
- Leeds, Brett Ashley .Rice University
- Leeper, Thomas .
- Levendusky, Matthew .University of Pennsylvania, see dataverse.
- Levine Einstein, Katherine .
- Lewis, Jeff .Data on Congressional roll calls, California General Assembly
- Lewis, Daniel .
- Lindberg, Staffan .
- Lindgren, Karl-Oskar .
- Littman, Rebecca .
- Lowande, Kenneth .Univ. of Michigan, see datasets on research page.
- Lublin, David .American University, see data page.
- Lucardi, Adrian .
- Lyall, Jason .Dartmouth College, see publications and data page.
M- Magaloni, Beatriz .Stanford University
- Malhotra, Neil .
- Maness, Ryan .Naval Postgraduate School, see cyber conflict dataset.
- Margalit, Yotam .
- Marinov, Nikolay .University of Houston, see data and paper repositories.
- Martin, Andrew .Washington Univ. in St. Louis
- Matanock, Aila .Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, replication data on research page
- Mayhew, David .Yale University, see books with datasets.
- McCubbins, Matthew .Duke University, see replication data.
- McDonald, Jared .
- Meredith, Marc .Univ. of Pennsylvania, replication data listed with publications.
- Micozzi, Juan Pablo .
- Miller, Michael .George Washington University
- Moral, Mert .Sabanc? University, Istanbul-Turkey, see dataverse.
- Morrow, James .Univ. of Michigan, see datasets.
N- Nagler, Jonathan .
- Nall, Clayton .
- Nemoto, Kuniaki .Musashi University, see data page for Korean and New Zealand election data.
N (continued)- Neumayer, Eric .London School of Economics, see replication datasets.
- Nichols, Angela .Florida Atlantic Univ., datasets on research page.
- Nooruddin, Irfan .Georgetown Univ., see dataverse.
- Norris, Pippa .Harvard Univ., see data page.
- Nunez, Lucas .
- Nyhan, Brendan .University of Michigan, replication datasets listed on web page.
O- Olav Dahlgaard, Jens .
- Olds, Christopher .University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, see dataverse.
- Oskarsson, Sven .
- Ostergard, Robert .University of Nevada, Reno, see datasets
- Owsiak, Andrew .Univ. of Georgia, see datasets on research page.
P- Paik, Christopher .
- Palmer, Maxwell .Boston Univ.
- Pan, Jennifer .
- Pardos-Prado, Sergi .
- Patterson, Shawn .
- Peisakhin, Leonid .
- Pepinsky, Tom .Cornell University, see replication data
- Peskowitz, Zachary .
- Peterson, Erik .
- Pettigrew, Stephen .Univ. of Pennsylvania, see data.
- Pierskalla, Jan .
- Poast, Paul .Univ. of Chicago, see original data.
- Powell, Jonathan .Univ. of Central Florida, see coup d'etat dataset.
- Powell, Eleanor .University of Wisconsin-Madison, see data page.
- Preuhs, Robert .Metropolitan State University of Denver, see replication datasets.
- Proksch, Sven-Oliver .
- Puga, Diego .CEMFI, see data.
- Putterman, Louis .Brown Univ. (Econ. Dept)
R- Rainey, Carlisle .
- Reeves, Andrew .Washington Univ. in St. Louis, see dataverse.
- Reif, Megan .University of Gothenburg
- Reuter, Ora John .
- Ricart-Huguet, Joan .
- Robert, Thomson .Monash University (Melbourne, Australia)
- Roberts, Margaret .Univ. of California, San Diego
- Robinson, Amanda Lea .Ohio State University
- Rogowski, Jon .
- Ross, Michael .UCLA
S- Samuels, David .Univ. of Minnesota, page has links to replication datasets.
- Sances, Michael .
- Schakel, Arjan .Maastricht University
- Schneider, Gerald .Universitat Konstanz, see replication data.
- Schoen, Harald .
- Sechser, Todd .University of Virginia, find replication data on research page
- Sekhon, Jasjeet .UC Berkeley.
- Sexton, Renard .
- Shor, Boris .
- Siegel, Alexandra .
- Simas, Elizabeth .
- Singh, Shane .
- Smith, Daniel .
- Solt, Frederick .
- Standaert, Samuel .Clemson University, see datasets.
- Stimson, James .Univ. of North Carolina, see data page.
- Szakonyi, David .
T- Tavits, Margit .
- Thyne, Clayton .University of Kentucky
- Tokdemir, Efe .Bilkent University
- Toshkov, Dimiter .Leiden University, see data and replication materials.
- Tran, Anh .
- Troeger, Vera .University of Warwick, see replication data
- Tsebelis, George .Professor of Political Science, Univ. of Michigan, see data page.
- Tucker, Joshua .NYU
U- Ura, Joseph .Texas A&M University
- Utych, Stephen .
V- Van der Windt, Peter .NYU - Abu Dhabi
- Voeten, Erik .Georgetown, see data page
- von Stein, Jana .Australian National University, see data page
W- Wacziarg, Romain .UCLA School of Management
- Wagner, Markus .
- Walter, Barbara .UC San Diego, datasets listed in selected publications section.
- Warshaw, Christopher .
- Weidmann, Nils .University of Konstanz
- Weisiger, Alex .Univ. of Pennsylvania, see dataverse
- Weschle, Simon .
- Williams, Laron .University of Missouri
- Wimmer, Andreas .Columbia University
- Windett, Jason .UNC-Charlotte, see data page.
- Wood, B. Dan .Texas A & M, see replication data for his books.
- Wuttke, Alexander .
Z- Zarkin, Jessica .
- Zhou, Xiang .Harvard University, see replication datasets on research page.
- Zhukov, Yuri .Univ. of Michigan
- Zucco, Cesar .