A- AidData: .Produces evidence to improve how sustainable development investments are targeted, monitored, and evaluated. See datasets.
- Aids Flows: .AidFlows visualizes how much development financing is provided and received around the world.
- Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project: .Data and analysis source on political violence and protest in the developing world. See data page.
C- Center for Systematic Peace Datasets: .Multiple significant datasets prepared by researchers associated with the Center for Systemic Peace and are generated and/or compiled using open source information.
- Change in Source of Leader Support: .The goal of the CHISOLS data is to differentiate leader transitions in which a new leader depends on different social groups for support from those where the new leader depends on the same groups for support.
- Chicago Project on Security and Threats: .Advances scholarship on international politics, security, and trade that advances peace and prosperity, maintains a suicide attack database.
- Cline Center for Advanced Social Research: .University of Illinois center supports research on variety of fronts, see projects page..
- Computational Event Data System: .Uses automated coding of news reports, focusing on the Middle East, Balkans, and West Africa, for statistical early warning models to predict political change.
- Continent of Int'l Law: .Dataset drawn from UN Treaty Series and features a random sample of agreements across the issue areas of economics, environment, human rights and security
- Correlates of War Project Datasets: .COW seeks to facilitate the collection, dissemination, and use of accurate and reliable quantitative data in international relations.
- Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative: .The first global data hub on human trafficking, with data contributed by counter-trafficking organizations around the world.
- CShapes: .Provides historical maps of state boundaries and capitals in the post-World War II period.
D- Design of Trade Agreements (DESTA) Database: .Systematic data on the design of preferential trade agreements that have been signed since 1945.
E- Economics of National Security: Data Set Index: .Thorough document from Professor Martin Feldstein, compiled by Brandon Kaplowitz.
- Ethnic Power Relations Datasets: .Data on ethnic groups' access to state power, their settlement patterns, links to rebel organizations, transborder ethnic kin relations, and intraethnic cleavages.
- Explaining Terrorist and Insurgent Behavior: .An ongoing research project about terrorist and insurgent behavior featuring several datasets.
G- Global Conflict Risk Index: .Risk of violent conflict in the next 1-4 years, exclusively based on quantitative indicators from open sources, from European Commission.
| G- Global Terrorism Database: .Open-source database including information on terrorist events around the world from 1970 through 2017, now includes more than 180,000 cases, from the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
- Global Trade Alert: .Provides timely information on state interventions taken since November 2008 that are likely to affect foreign commerce.
- GROWup - Geographical Research On War, Unified Platform: .offers a visualization of settlement patterns of politically active ethnic groups around the world from 1946-2013
I- Ill-Treatment & Torture (ITT) Data Collection Project: .Measures allegations of states' violations of the Convention Against Torture published by Amnesty International (AI) during the years 1995 to 2005.
- Integrated Crisis Early Warning System: .A comprehensive, integrated, automated, generalizable, and validated system to monitor, assess, and forecast national, sub-national, and internal crises from Lockheed-Martin.
- Issue Correlates of War (ICOW): .A research project that is collecting systematic data on contentious issues in world politics.
K- Konstanz One-Sided Event Dataset: .Detailed information on the magnitude and location of events of one-sided violence in 20 civil wars
M- Mass Mobilization in Autocracies Database: .Sub-national data on mass mobilization events in autocracies worldwide.
- Mass Mobilization Project: .An effort to understand citizen movements against governments. The MM data cover 162 countries between 1990 and 2018.
- Military Expenditure Database: .Contains consistent time series on the military spending of countries, updated annually.
- Minorities at Risk Project: .Maintains data on 284 politically active ethnic groups. The centerpiece of the project is a dataset that tracks groups on political, economic, and cultural dimensions.
N- NewGene: .A data management tool for creating data sets for use in the quantitative analysis of political science, primarily international relations.
- Nonviolent and Violent Campaigns and Outcomes (NAVCO) Data Project: .A multi-level data collection effort that catalogues major nonviolent and violent resistance campaigns around the globe from 1900-2013.
O- Open Event Data Alliance: .A consortium committed to facilitating the development, adoption and analysis of social and political event data.
P- Peace Accords Matrix Implementation: .Tracks the implementation of 51 different types of provisions.
| R R- Real Time Event Data / Phoenix: .Event data on political and social events around the globe, along with the software and methodology needed to analyze the data.
- Rising Powers Diplomatic Network: .Monitors the distribution of the diplomatic apparatus of emerging powers across the globe.
S- Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict: .Measures reports of the conflict-related sexual violence committed by armed actors (state forces, pro-government militias and rebel groups) during the years 1989-2009.
- Sie Cheou-Kang Center for International Security & Diplomacy: .Dedicated to building knowledge on the evolving nature of security and diplomacy to better address pressing global issue, see data downloads page
- SIPRI Databases on Global Security: .Features data on arms transfers, multilateral peace operations, military expenditures, arms industry, and other topics.
T- TERRIER: .Stands for temporally extended, regular, reproducible international event records, is a new machine coded event dataset ranging from 1979 to 2016.
- Terrorism in W. Europe: Events Data: .Contains information on events related to internal (or domestic) terrorism in 18 West European countries for the 1950 through 2004 period
U- U.S. Foreign Aid Explorer: .A multi-dimensional picture of U.S. foreign assistance.
- UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset: .A dataset of armed conflicts, both internal and external, in the period 1946 to the present.
- Uppsala Conflict Data Program: .The world's main provider of data on organized violence and the oldest ongoing data collection project for civil war, with a history of almost 40 years, see downloads page
W- World Integrated Trade Solution: .Allows users to access and retrieve information on trade and tariffs, from the World Bank.
- World Treaty Index (WTI): .The WTI seeks to create a comprehensive database of all known bilateral and multilateral treaties formed throughout the 20th century.
X- xSub / cross-sub.org: .A repository of micro-level, subnational event data on armed conflict and contention around the world.