What is administrative law?Law that governs the duties and proper running of an administrative agency.
What are administrative regulations?Rules and regulations adopted by administrative agencies that have the force of law.
What is an adversary system?Proceeding in which the opposing sides have the opportunity to present their evidence and arguments.
What is Anglo-American law?Same as common law. Law developed in England by judges who made legal decisions in the absence of written law. Such decisions served as precedents and became ''common'' to all of England. Common law is judge made, uses precedent, and is not codified.

Define attainder.Declaring a person guilty of a crime and passing sentence without benefit of trial.
What is a bill of attainder?Legislative act declaring a person guilty of a crime and passing sentence without benefit of trial.
What is the Bill of Rights?First ten amendments to the Constitution, which provide numerous protections to citizens against government action.
What is Canon law?A system of church law.

What is case law?Law that develops through the interpretation of statutes, constitutions, and other forms of written law.
What were Courts of Chancery?Old English court dealing with equity matters. Most U. S. state governments have merged chancery and law courts into one.
What is civil law?Law governing private parties; other than criminal law.
What is code (legal; code)?Compilation of laws arranged by chapters.

What is the common law?Law developed in England by judges who made legal decisions in the absence of written law. Such decisions served as precedents and became ''common'' to all of England. Common law is judge made, uses precedent, and is not codified.
What is a constitution?Fundamental rules that determine how those who govern are selected, the procedures by which they operate, and the limits to their powers.
What is constitutional law?Law that consists of court decisions that interpret and expand the meaning of a written constitution.
What is a contract?An agreement, usually written, that affects the legal relationships between two or more parties.

Define criminal law.Laws passed by government that define and prohibit antisocial behavior.
What are damages?Sum of money awarded by a court as compensation to a person who has suffered loss or injury to his person, property, or rights through the unlawful act, failure to act, or negligence of another.
What is a declaratory judgment?Judicial pronouncement declaring the legal rights of the parties involved in an actual case or controversy, but not ordering a specific action.
What is dicta?Comments in judicial opinions that go beyond what is necessary to decide the case.

What are discretionary choice?Lawful ability of an agent of government to exercise choice in making a decision.
Define divorce.Dissolution of the marital relationship through judicial action.
What are doctrines of access?Rules and procedures established by the judiciary that affect access to the courts.
What is due process of law?Right guaranteed in the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments of the U. S. Constitution and generally understood to mean the due course of legal proceedings according to the rules and forms that have been established for the protection of private rights.

Define enjoin.To issue an injunction. An injunction is a court order directing someone to do something or refrain from doing something.
What is equity?Branch of law that provides for remedies other than damages and is, therefore, more flexible than common law.
What is an ex post facto law?Law passed after the commission of an act, making the act (which was legal when it was committed) illegal.
Define federalism.Political system in which governmental powers are divided between a central government and state governments.

What is a felony?The more serious of the two basic types of criminal behavior; usually bears a possible penalty of one year or more in prison.
What is a holding?In a majority opinion, the rule of law necessary to decide the case. That rule is binding in future cases.
What is incarceration?To put in or as if in prison; confine.
What is an injunction?Court order directing someone to do some-thing or refrain from doing something.

What is an injury?Violation of another person's legal rights, not limited to physical injuries.
What is an inquisitorial system of justice?System in which the accused is considered guilty until the accused can prove himself or herself innocent.
Define inter alia.''Among other things.''
What are internal theories of law?Theories of jurisprudence that view law as a closed, self- sufficient body of rules that are certain, predictable, and free from the subjective views of the legal actors.

What is Islamic law?Legal system based on revelations to the prophet Muhammad found in the Qur'an and the practices and decisions made by Muhammad contained in the Sunna.
What is a judgment?Official decision of a court deciding the matter.
What is judicial notice?Rule that a court will accept certain things as common knowledge without proof.
Define justice.Fairness in treatment by the law.

What is larceny?Unlawful taking or attempted taking of property other than a motor vehicle from the possession of another, by stealth, without force, and without deceit, with intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property.
What is a legal fiction?Assumption or doctrine of law that some-thing is true or a state of facts exists that has never taken place.
What is legal realism?School of jurisprudence that stresses a pragmatic approach concerning the actual workings of the rules of law. It provides the intellectual basis for the study of law by social scientists.
What is libel?Written defamation of another person.

What is a misdemeanor?Lesser of the two basic types of crime; usually punishable by no more than one year of imprisonment.
What are monetary damages?Compensatory damages - payment for actual losses suffered by a plaintiff. Punitive damages - money awarded by a court to a person who has been harmed in a malicious or willful way.
What is Obiter dictum (also dictum or dicta)?The part of the reasoning in a judicial opinion that is not necessary to resolve the case. Dicta are not necessarily binding in future cases.
What is an ordinance?Law enacted by a local governmental body for the regulation of some activity within the community.

What is party prosecution?The responsibilities of the parties in an adversary proceeding to define the legal issues in the case and present evidence supporting their position.
Define personal property.An individual's possessions other than land.
What is a petitioner?One who files a petition (such as a writ of certiorari) with a court seeking action or relief.
What is a plaintiff?Person or party who initiates a lawsuit.

What is a precedent?Case previously decided that serves as a legal guide for the resolution of subsequent cases.
What is private law?The law governing conflicts among private parties (for example, contracts, property, torts, and divorce).
What is procedural law?Law that outlines the legal procedures to be followed in starting, conducting, and finishing a lawsuit.
What is property?Legal right to use or dispose of particular things or subjects.

What is public law?Laws governing operations of government and the government's relationships with persons (for example, constitutional law, criminal law, and administrative law).
What are punitive damages?Money beyond actual damages awarded against a defendant whose conduct was so wanton, reckless, or reprehensible as to justify additional punishment.
What is real property?Ownership of land.
What is a remedy?Vindication of a claim of right. A legal procedure by which a right is enforced or the violation of a right is prevented or compensated.

Define restitution.To restore or to make good on something. For example, to return or pay for a stolen item.
What is a right?Legal responsibility to perform or refrain from the performance of actions or the ability to control objects in one's possession. It also entails the ability to control the actions of others.
What are the Romano-Germanic family of laws?System of law using statute or codes in which precedent is absent as a legal concept. Created by the Romans and codified in the Code of Justinian. Most widely used system of laws in the Western world.
What are rules of court?Rules and regulations adopted by courts governing how lawsuits shall be conducted.

What is socialist law?Legal system that originated in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics following the Russian Revolution of 1917 and was used in the Soviet Union and its satellite nations in Eastern Europe.
What is sociological jurisprudence?Social theory of law, founded by Roscoe Pound, that stresses studying ''law in action'' rather than viewing law as a closed, self-sufficient body of rules.
What is stare decisis?Latin phrase meaning ''let the decision stand.''
What is a statute?Written law enacted by a legislature.

What is substantive law?Law that deals with the content or substance of the law, for example, the legal grounds for divorce.
What is a temporary restraining order (TRO)?Form of injunctive relief. An emergency remedy issued by a court to prevent any action until the court can hear arguments.
What is theft?Popular name for larceny.
What is a tort?Private or civil wrong in which the defendant's actions cause injury to the plaintiff or to property, and the usual remedy is money damages. Tort is not limited to personal injury.

What is a will?Legal declaration, usually in writing, of a person's wishes as to the disposition of his or her property after death.