What are accretion measures?measures of a phenomena through indirect observation of the accumulation of materials
What is content analysis?a procedure by which verbal, nonquantitative records are transformed into quantitative data
What is a covert observation?observation in which the observer's presence or purpose is kept secret from those being observed
What is direct observation?actual observation of behavior

What is an episodic record?the portion of the written record that is not part of a regular, ongoing record-keeping enterprise
What are erosion measures?measures of phenomena through indirect observation of selective wear of some material
What is a field study?observation in a natural setting
What is indirect observation?observation of physical traces of behavior

What is an informant?person who helps a researcher employing participant observation methods interpret the activities and behavior of the informant and the group to which the informant belongs
What is overt observation?observation in which those being observed are informed of the researcher's presence and purpose
What is participant observation?observation in which the observer becomes a regular participant in the activities of those being observed
What is primary data?data recorded and used by the researcher who is making the observations

What is a running record?the portion of the written record that is enduring and covers an extensive period of time
What is secondary data?data used by a researcher that was not personally collected by that researcher
What is a structured observation?systematic observation and recording of the incidence of specific behaviors
What is an unstructured observation?observation in which all behavior and activities are recorded

What is a written record?documents, reports, statistics, manuscript, and other recorded materials available and useful for empirical research
What is a citation manager?computer software used with a word processor that builds a database of reference works and manages how they get cited in a paper.
What is a coding protocol?a clear system for encoding information about sample observations, usually sets forth numeric codes corresponding to variable values that all researchers should use.
What are data archives?collections of datasets made available to the general public or researchers; some political science journals maintain data archives for articles they have published.

What are elite interviews?interviews conducted with subjects who have special knowledge and access to information.
What is a literature review?a short summary of prior works that helps the reader understand the concepts, assumptions, and significance of a research project
What is making observations?When researchers personally evaluate observations and encode their evaluations of an observation’s properties as data.
What are parenthetical citations?Social scientists typically use parenthetical citations at the end of sentences that identify the author and year of publication of works cited. A complete list of works cited with detailed information, such as article titles and book publishers, gets appended to the article.

What are replication datasets?After publishing an article, the author may make all the datasets used in the analysis available to allow other researchers to reproduce the published analysis.
What is a research plan?A basic roadmap for conducting research that identifies the measurable and varying properties of your research topic and the research question you hope to answer, may include a conceptual map that identifies the independent and dependent variables. A good research plan can help you stay focused and motivated.
What is a research question?identifies what you hope to learn by doing your analysis and contribute by writing your research paper, can be stated as a puzzle you want to solve or a question you want to answer.
What is the standard outline?Political science articles tend to follow the same outline: introduction, literature review, theory, hypothesis, data and methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. The standard outline can help you keep your ideas organized as you conduct your own analysis.

What is a structured interview?preplanned series of questions, often with limited arrays of answers offered to the subjects
What is survey research?Data collected from self-reported responses to test-like written documents.
What is an unstructured interview?a loosely planned interview in which questions vary from one subject to the next and the researchers adapts questions based on the subjects’ answers.