What is a binary variable?A dichotomous variable, one that can assume only two values.
What are common logarithms?Base-10 logs
What is a likelihood function?A number that summarizes how well a model's predictions fit the observed data.
What is logged likelihood?The natural log of likelihood. MLE models generally maximize the sum of logged likelihoods rather the product of probabilities for computational reasons.

What is logistic regression?a nonlinear regression model that relates a set of explanatory variables to a dichotomous dependent variable
What is a logistic regression coefficient?a multiple regression coefficient based on the logistic model
What are logits?A shorthand reference for natural log transformations of odds.
What is maximum likelihood estimation?The parameter that is most consistent with the observed data. In other words, the observed data has a greater chance of occurring when the parameter equals the maximum likelihood estimate compared to the parameter equaling any other number.

What are natural logarithms?Base-e logarithms; base e is approximately equal to 2.72.
What are odds?the ratio of the frequency of one event to the frequency of a second event
What is an odds ratio?a measure of association between two dichotomous variables in which the odds of having a trait or property in one group are divided by the corresponding odds of the other group
What is a percentage change in the odds?Expressing the change in odds (as a result of a unit change in some explanatory variable) as a percentage.

What is a probability profile?Identifies the change in the probability of an event occurring from a change in the value of independent variables.
What are sample averages?Researchers generally estimate the effect of a change in the value of an independent variable on the probability of an event occurring for an observation with sample averages of other explanatory variables.
What are average marginal effects?A method for analyzing the effect of an independent variable in logistic regression analysis; one estimates the change in the probability of the outcome from a change in one independent variable assuming all other predictors to assume their observed values for each case.
What are marginal effects at representative values?retrieved by reporting changes in the probability of the dependent variable across the range of an interesting independent variable—and to do so separately, for discrete categories of another independent variable

What are marginal effects at the means?retrieved by examining the effect of one independent variable on the probability of the dependent variable, while holding the other independent variables constant at their sample averages
What is probability?